About Charles

Charles Brogdon’s Brief Biography

Charles BrogdonCharles Brogdon was born and reared in a small farm town in the panhandle of Florida, approximately 50 miles south of the Georgia and Alabama state lines.

After receiving a Master’s Degree in English at the University of Southern Mississippi in Hattiesburg, he taught English in various high schools and a community college, most of his teaching career was in a high school in Glendale, Ca.

DRAWINGS:  Charles has always been interested in the arts and over the years and has developed his abilities in the medium of pen and ink drawings.  The drawings are usually of organic shapes that are exaggerated, extended, enhanced, and stylized into highly decorated, interesting, contrasting shapes.  The drawings are usually a combination of several different overlapping forms, all juxtaposed so as to enhance their individual qualities and add to the composition of the drawing.  His attention to details is a very prominent aspect of the drawings.  He usually has several drawings in development at any one time, concentrating on any one of them as he is inspired by real plants and architectural designs he encounters in his travels and his rich imagination.  PRINTS and GREETING CARDS utilizing the drawings are being considered.

PAPER CUTTINGS: Charles has also developed the art of cutting paper into pleasing, intricate designs.  He cut only white paper for many years, but recently discovered that colorful paper backed foil can be very interesting, providing color to a design.  The paper backed foil that wraps bars of chocolate are quick and easy sources for that paper!  The designs are usually small so that they can be stored in the books in his apartment!  He has, however, had many of the designs framed, and the results are spectacular. Colorful mats and mirrors are often utilized to enhance the cuttings.

VOICE OVERS:  Charles has recently taken an interest in the art of Voice Overs and has taken workshops in this field.  His rich, clear, crisp pronunciation is an asset in that area.  All hints of a Southern accent are gone, but he can revert to that voice when it is needed! Click here to listen to my voiceover work.

CALLIGRAPHY:  Another art that Charles has developed is Calligraphy.  His personal calligraphy style is self-taught.

A Tribute to Charles Brogdon